
How To Make Football Gloves Sticky Properly Guide

Football gloves have become an essential part of a player’s gear in today’s game, providing an added advantage when it comes to grip and control of the ball. These gloves are designed with different materials to give the player maximum grip while catching and handling the ball. However, over time, football gloves can lose their stickiness, and this can affect a player’s performance on the field. In this article, we will discuss in detail how to make football gloves sticky again and get the most out of your gear.

Clean Your Football Gloves Properly

The first step in making your football gloves sticky again is to clean them properly. Football gloves are subjected to dirt, sweat, and other elements during games and practices, which can reduce their stickiness. To clean your gloves, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions or use a mild detergent to wash them by hand. Avoid using hot water, as it can damage the gloves.

Dry Your Football Gloves

After cleaning your football gloves, you should dry them properly. You can use a towel to remove excess water and then let them air dry at room temperature. Avoid using a dryer, as it can damage the gloves and reduce their stickiness.

Apply Grip Boost

Grip boost is a popular product used to enhance the stickiness of football gloves. It’s a gel that can be applied to the palm and fingers of your gloves to improve grip and control. To apply grip boost, it’s important to follow the instructions on the packaging carefully. Generally, you should apply a small amount of gel to the palm and fingers of your gloves and then rub them together. Let the gloves dry for a few minutes before using them.

Use Pine Tar

Pine tar is another popular product used to make football gloves sticky again. It’s a sticky substance that can be applied to the palm and fingers of your gloves to improve grip and control. To apply pine tar, follow the instructions on the packaging carefully. Generally, you should apply a small amount of pine tar to the palm and fingers of your gloves and then rub them together. Let the gloves dry for a few minutes before using them.

Use Rosin

Rosin is a dry, sticky substance that can be applied to the palm and fingers of your gloves to improve grip and control. It’s commonly used by baseball pitchers to improve their grip on the ball. To apply rosin, rub a small amount of the substance onto the palm and fingers of your gloves. Let the gloves dry for a few minutes before using them.

Use Stickum

Stickum is a strong adhesive that can be applied to the palm and fingers of your gloves to improve grip and control. It’s a banned substance in the NFL, but it is still used by some players. To apply stickum, follow the instructions on the packaging carefully. Generally, you should apply a small amount of the substance to the palm and fingers of your gloves and then rub them together. Let the gloves dry for a few minutes before using them.

Store Your Football Gloves Properly

Proper storage of your football gloves can also help maintain their stickiness. After each use, allow your gloves to air dry completely before storing them in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing your gloves in direct sunlight, as it can damage the gloves and reduce their stickiness.


Football gloves are a crucial part of a player’s gear, providing enhanced grip and control when catching and handling the ball. However, over time, football gloves can lose their stickiness, making them less effective on the field. It’s important to clean and dry your gloves properly, use products such as grip boost, pine tar, rosin, and stickum to enhance their stickiness, and store them in a cool, dry place to maintain their stickiness. By following these tips, you can ensure that your football gloves remain sticky and effective, allowing you to perform at your best on the field. Whether you’re a professional player or just starting out, taking care of your gear is essential to your success. With proper cleaning, drying, and storage, and the use of products like grip boost, pine tar, rosin, and stickum, you can make your football gloves sticky again and get the most out of your gear. So, take the time to care for your football gloves properly, and enjoy the enhanced grip and control they provide on the field.

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